120 Days of meditation


I recently hit my 120 days in a row of daily meditation. I wanted to do a quick update on what I feel I’ve gotten from the endeavor.

  1. The biggest take away is making time to do this everyday. Not allowing myself to become overly distracted by work and life. The satisfaction of deciding I wanted to do this everyday and doing it.

  2. The concept of “Begin Again”. My mind wanders, I notice it, I begin again. I’ve taken to bringing this concept into my non meditation activities. Do I find myself daydreaming, or stuck on something I’d rather not dwell on anymore? I’ve been returning to the breath and consciously shifting my mental focus to the task I want to be focusing on. The same thing I do when I hear the weather getting stormy in the Muse application as reminder I’m out of my desired state.

  3. Allowing the avenue to receive guidance/insight/inspiration from higher self|self|Universe (whatever you want to call it). Usually before mediation I’ll ask Spirit or Higher Self what they have for me today and use the meditation time as a chance to allow that communication. Several blog posts, Instagram videos, and ideas for future courses have been coming through during those open lines of communication. Most notably for me was when I received insight into a online interaction I was having where I was able to get some guidance and insight into how the “other person took the exchange”.

  4. Beginning to feel the physical difference when I’m in the calm zone and not needing the biofeedback from the muse application.