Corporate Wellness & Mindfulness Offerings

Mindfulness: The Key to Increased Productivity and Reduced Stress in the Workplace

Why? / What does your business receive from the training?

  1. "Reduce Stress in the Workplace": Corporate mindfulness coaching can help employees develop coping mechanisms to handle stress and anxiety, leading to a more relaxed and productive work environment.

  2. "Enhance Productivity": By learning mindfulness techniques, employees can improve their focus and concentration, which leads to increased productivity and efficiency.

  3. "Improve Work-Life Balance": Corporate mindfulness coaching can help employees create a healthier work-life balance by managing their time and reducing burnout.

  4. "Boost Employee Engagement and Morale": By providing mindfulness coaching, companies can show that they care about their employees' well-being, leading to increased engagement and morale.

  5. "Develop Emotional Intelligence": Mindfulness training can help employees become more aware of their emotions and develop greater emotional intelligence, which can lead to more effective communication and collaboration in the workplace.

  6. "Create a Positive Workplace Culture": Mindfulness coaching can help create a more positive workplace culture, where employees are more empathetic, respectful, and compassionate towards one another.

  7. "Improve Decision-Making": By learning to approach decisions with a clear and calm mind, employees can make better decisions that are grounded in reason rather than emotion.

  8. "Reduce Employee Turnover": Offering mindfulness coaching as a benefit can help reduce employee turnover by showing employees that the company cares about their well-being and wants to invest in their personal and professional development.

Myself and team of coaches will create a custom Corporate Wellness/Mindfulness Program for your organization.

Topics of the program may include:

Training: Provide employees with training on wellness & mindfulness techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises. This can be done through workshops, classes, or online resources. Examples:

  • Meditation basics

  • Breath work

  • Basics of yoga/Chair yoga

  • Nutrition and healthy eating habits

  • Exercise and fitness tips

  • Stress management techniques

  • Sleep hygiene and improving sleep quality

  • Ergonomics and proper posture at work

  • Financial wellness and managing financial stress

  • Time management and work-life balance

  • Building resilience and coping with change or adversity

  • Dealing with distraction at work

  • Dealing with burnout

  • Boundaries

  • Goal Setting

Guided practices: Offer employees guided mindfulness practices such as guided meditations, yoga classes, or breathing exercises. These practices can be done in-person or through digital platforms.

Tools and resources: Provide employees with access to mindfulness tools and resources such as mindfulness apps, books, and articles to continue their practice outside of the workplace.

Support and accountability: Create a support system to help employees stay accountable to their mindfulness practice. This can include forming a mindfulness group, assigning a mentor, or providing regular check-ins.

Incorporate mindfulness into the workplace: Encourage employees to incorporate mindfulness into their daily work routine. This can include taking short mindfulness breaks throughout the day, implementing mindfulness practices in team meetings, and encouraging employees to use mindfulness practices to manage stress and improve focus.

Measuring effectiveness: It's important to measure the effectiveness of the mindfulness program, and gather feedback from employees. This could be done through surveys, interviews, or by tracking behavioral changes in employees.

Encourage Leadership: Encourage leadership to practice mindfulness and to model the behavior they want to see in the organization. This can create a culture of mindfulness and make it easier for employees to adopt mindfulness practices.